Hello and Welcome to Sisel World and Siselers Connect Team.

Thank you for joining Sisel.

Please note each Team Member of the Siselers Connect Team is a sent a WELCOME Email (Upline is Katie Larking, this welcome email is only for her team).  If you are in her team please contact them to let them know.

You can view a sample of the Welcome Email here (this is for Siselers Connect Members only)

Getting Started with SISEL

What are the first things to do?

1.Watch the following two videos

Sisel Products

Sisel Business Opportunity

2. Help them Download the Sisel International App FREE available on Google Play Store and and Apple Store. This is a free app for both customers and distributors. They will receive updates via the app. Links to download app can be found here

3. Add them to the Product Information and Events Group Sisel Products Updates and Events – Siselers Connect Facebook Group

4. Invite them to calls – Call Schedule is pinned to the top of the  Sisel Products Updates and Events – Siselers Connect Facebook Group

5. Get them to subscribe to Siselers Connect YouTube Channel and Sisel International YouTube Channel

CHECKLIST for Getting Started for Business Builders

  1. Have your goal written down – (First Major Goal Getting to One Star Master) – What’s your Why?

  2. Add Friends on Facebook Daily and connect to new people to build your network. Reach out and say hi, build rapport.

  3. Add them to the Siselers Connect Facebook Group, Plus Losing Weight Feeling Great Group

  4. Let them know to look out for the Welcome Email. Ensure they have the 1800 764 872 number and email address customerservice@sisel.net

  5. Connect to online groups and channels found in Welcome Email above (two main ones listed above)

  6. Add them to the Business Builders Email List (if Business Builder)

  7. Add them to the AGE Well Series Email list if using the AGE Pill agewellseries.com

  8. Request a Stem Cell Page for them if they want it.

  9. Add them to the Business Builders Connect Group if they want to build using our Stem Cell Product or Weight Loss Product

  10. Tell them about the LosingWeightFeelingGreat.club webpage

  11. Remind them of Calls Attendance at all online meetings

****Additional Options

  1. Weekly check in with sponsor (summary list of questions for further details see activity planner)
  2. Personal Development/Mindset training daily
  3. Skills Training Prospecting/ Learning Products Comp Plan (see youtube channel)
  4. Key Links to share below:

Information needed to signup Preferred Customer or Distributor

First Name, Last Name, Username,Password, Email address, Phone Number, Address (including Suburb, State, Postcode). Date of Birth. Answer to one of these security questions: Your Favourite Author? Or Model of your first car? or Place of Birth?. Credit Card Information: Card Number, Exp Date, CCV, Name on Card. Billing Address of Credit Card *** Please note if you get customer service to create the account you do not need to ask for credit card information….

Additional information for Distributor : DAdditional Information for Business ABN or ACN number (listed in the GST number field)

Recommended Videos to Watch as a New Distributor


Video Titles:

Tom Mower Sisel Updates June 2019
Loyalty Reward Coupons for Distributors Training Video
Sisel Product Fact Sheets, Brochures and Pricelist
Longevity Discussion Tom Mower 12 July 2019
Getting Started with the Sisel AGE Pill Dosage. How to use it?
Why do we age?
What is so special about Sisel International?
Sisel Comp Plan Training 2019
Sisels Wealth Building System with Milo Acosta
Sisel Distributor Kit
Sisel H2 Stix with Aaron Rennert
Sisel Manufacturing Plant Tour
The AGE Pill with Tom Mower Sr
Sisel Back Office Training HOw to order Login Auto Ship
How to update your details login and order
How to setup your Sisel Replicated site to get your sign up link
Sisel Distributor Training Paul Sandy and Katie
MySisel Story Tom Mower Sr
The Mower Mission
Sisel Product Testimonial 2019
Sisel Aussie and USA Testimonial Cal Sisel Products
Getting STarted with Sisel System Sisel Distributor
Sisel Stem-O-Lytic StemOlytic
How to get Free Shipping and Loyalty Rewards
Why Sisel
COmp Plan Training with Tom Mower Jr Jr
Why Sisel with Aaron Rennert VP World Wide Sales
The Mower Mission and Toxin Free Living
Tom Mower talks about the Opening of Australia
Getting Started with the AGE Pill – Usage instructions 3 minute video

CHECKList for Getting Started

  1. Have written goal list – Once you decide and set your goal it starts (First Major Goal Getting to One Star Master) – Whats you Why?
  2. Adding Friends on Facebook Daily and connecting
  3. Add them to the Siselers Connect Facebook Group, Plus Losing Weight Feeling Great Group
  4. Let them know to look out for the Welcome Email. Ensure they have the 1800 number and email address customerservice@sisel.net
  5. Connecting to online groups and channels/ Mailing lists (two main ones listed above)
  6. Add them to the Business Builders Email List (if Business Builder)
  7. Add them to to the AGE Well Series Email list if using the AGE Pill agewellseries.com
  8. Request a Stem Cell Page for them if they want it.
  9. Add them to the Business Builders Connect Group if they want to build using our Stem Cell Product or Weight Loss Product
  10. Tell them about the LosingWeightFeelingGreat.net webpage
  11. Remind them of Calls Attendance at all online meetings

****Additional Options

  1. Weekly check in with sponsor (summary list of questions for further details see activity planner)
  2. Personal Development/Mindset training daily
  3. Skills Training Prospecting/ Learning Products Comp Plan (see youtube channel)
  4. Key Links to share below:

Connecting like-minded entrepreneurs

Siselers Connect aims to inspire, and motivate business owners

Sharing the Sisel Mission (the Mower Mission) we educate, inform, and empower individuals to take control of their health and wealth opportunities.


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+61 422538801


Available 24/7
0422 538 801

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Sisel International Distributors Siselers Connect